The most basic locksmith service is, of course, standard key duplication, which any locksmith company will offer you. But what about copying transponder keys? Without a doubt, Precise Lock and Safe is your number-one choice in transponder key duplication in Lansing, Illinois. Just as our name indicates, you can completely depend on our mobile staff automotive locksmith specialists to expertly carry out such an exacting task.
We understand that you may want to give an extra copy of your transponder key to a trusted neighbor, a close friend, or the new teenage driver in the family. Or perhaps you just want another copy for safe-keeping in a secret location in case of emergency. We service every automobile make and model, so you never have to worry that we can’t answer your request. Simply put, here at Precise Lock and Safe, we know everything there is to know about transponder keys.
Transponder keys are superior to traditional keys because these “chip” keys are programmed individually with a unique code and radio frequency, matching only your vehicle’s computer. We’ll make sure each copy is equally as secure as the original.